Primary Class
In this class, children 7 to 9 will learn about God through songs, crafts, hands-on activities and stories from around the world. Bible stories are fun and interactive, including drama and games that help children grow to know, love and share Jesus.
Junior Class
The Junior Sabbath School programs are designed for 10 to 12 year olds to stimulate an active mind. Songs, quizzes, games, and activities themed around each week’s Bible lesson make the Junior class a world of fun on Sabbath (Saturday) mornings, while positive take-home messages are reinforced.
Read the lessonEarly Teen & Youth Class
Being a teenager is difficult. There’s pressure to do well in so many areas of life. What makes it less difficult? Hanging out with people who know how you feel. Who have similar dreams, interests and questions about the future. Who can provide you with support and encourage you along the way. Join us each Sabbath (Saturday) as we connect, chat, and see what the Bible has to say about life, relationships and making good decisions.
Friday Night Live! (FNL)
Tailored for young people from 10-16(ish). An evening where our young ones can simply hang out with each other in a safe and informal environment and engage their talents/gifts as creatively as they like. Spiritual nurturing and empowering activities are all part of this evening of learning and fun.